Make Your Text Harder for AI to Process

Tһіs tool makе⁢ѕ sm‌а⁤ll‌, іn‌visіblе‍ cһan⁣ges tо​ tеxt so іt stays read‍аble f⁣оr рeople b⁢ut har​der⁣ for⁠ AI ѕyst​е‍mѕ tо dеt​ect and а⁣nаlyzе⁤. It​ wо⁠n’t‌ st⁣о⁠p AІ cһatbotѕ fr​о⁣m reа⁤dіng t⁢ext, but іt са⁢n dіsr‌upt аut⁠о​m​а‌tе⁤d trас‌k‌ing, f⁠ilters, а‌nd‍ ѕcraр⁠erѕ. Pick а⁢ ѕcramblіn‍g levеl, ty‌ре you⁤r⁠ text, an⁣d⁢ с‌oрy thе​ reѕul‌t. Yо‌ur w‍or⁤d⁤s wіll‌ l​ook nor‍mal but wіll be hard⁤er for А‌І ѕy⁠stem⁣s to р‌rо⁣cе‌ss.

Pick a scrambling level, type your text, and copy the result. Your words will look normal but will be harder for AI systems to process.

Scramble Level What It Confuses Can People Still Read It?
Basic Basic AI keyword scanners, simple filters, weak moderation bots Looks exactly the same
Basic+ Basic + very subtle misspellings (reversed letters or omissions) Almost no visible changes, but harder for AI
Strong Stronger AI moderation, web scrapers, search indexing AI Looks normal, but might have tiny invisible tweaks
Extreme Advanced AI filtering, tracking systems, AI that scans for meaning Still readable, but might look a little strange in some places

Author's note: This isn't a permanent fix. AI scrapers and language models will adapt, and this site may not last. But in just a few hours, with minimal coding experience, I built a tool that disrupts their systems—however briefly.

The point isn’t to win forever. The point is to prove that we can fight back. Outrun. Outlast. AI is powerful, but so are we. These tools aren’t just for corporations, governments, or those in control. We, the people, have the power to protect ourselves.